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South Street Win Award At Newick

Two weeks since the mayhem of Hastings and we move on to the smaller but no less enthusiastic Out Meeting at Newick last Saturday. A lovely crisp Autumnal evening and unseasonably warm welcomed us and saw a good turn out from all the Societies. Some great costumes too, resulting in South Street winning the Best Dressed Visiting Society trophy, fab news.

The bonfire boys milled around the pubs early in the evening before forming up, flaming torches in hand to then process around the village. A couple of laps later and back to the centre for bonfire prayers from the clergy, who were well and truly pelted with exploding rookies to cries of 'Burn him!' Followed by a magnificent fire and fireworks show.

I was then very happy to be invited back to friends in Newick, smelling delightfully of bonfire, for chilli and mulled wine, a great end to a fabulous evening.

This week the build up to the 5th has already started. We spent a very good day Wednesday, along with a team of around twenty others, helping load and unload what seemed like three million pallets into seven Luton van loads to take to our firesite and the bonfire building is now underway. There are still several loads to go and we'll be back there later helping.

This evening we have the Mayor and the Head of Cultural Affairs from Waldshut-Tiengen, our German twin town staying with us for three nights bed and breakfast to watch and celebrate bonfire here in the heart of Lewes, looking forward to welcoming them later too.

More later in the week in the warm up to the main event.......

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